This week’s Doctor Who Adventures has got the first-ever picture of the Eleventh Doctor and his companion Amy Pond together on the cover plus secrets from the brand-new series inside the magazine.
You’ll find an adventure guide to The Waters of Mars - find out what’s turning people into zombies and how the Doctor plans to stop it.
There’s also a fantastic fact file about the Cybershades - they’re quick, strong and very sinister!
All this, and…
· What happened to Captain Jack?
· Two free gifts - an inflatable monster and Cybershade tumblers!
· Three all-new posters
· Subscription offer - subscribe today get the first four issues for £1, and then 25% off of a year’s subscription
This week’s Doctor Who Adventures has got the first-ever picture of the Eleventh Doctor and his companion Amy Pond together on the cover plus secrets from the brand-new series inside the magazine.
You’ll find an adventure guide to The Waters of Mars - find out what’s turning people into zombies and how the Doctor plans to stop it.
There’s also a fantastic fact file about the Cybershades - they’re quick, strong and very sinister!
All this, and…
· What happened to Captain Jack?
· Two free gifts - an inflatable monster and Cybershade tumblers!
· Three all-new posters
· Subscription offer - subscribe today get the first four issues for £1, and then 25% off of a year’s subscription
Issue 155 of Doctor Who Adventures magazine is on sale from today at all good newsagents until 2nd March priced £2.50 per copy.