Matt Smith is the 27-year-old actor to scoop the title role in the new series of Doctor Who. A graduate of the University of East Anglia, where he studied drama and creative writing, Smith has his own way of accessing this enigmatic character.
“I was thinking, ‘Who in the world has a brain and a silliness which is close to the Doctor?’ and then I saw that photograph of Albert Einstein poking his tongue out and it just clicked. I found this book of quotes by Einstein - which I recommend as a life choice, he was such an insightful man - and I started writing short stories about Einstein and the Doctor, where the Doctor was getting irritated with the great man’s buffoonery. He’d be saying, ‘Come on, Albert, keep up!’ and I think that, more than anything, was my way in to the part.”
Karen Gillan is the girl who grabbed the role every actress would die for: the companion to the eleventh Doctor. Fans camped outside the Doctor Who set are a reminder of the show’s unique place in British culture.
“I was never really into science fiction when I was growing up,” she says, “though my mum was a big Doctor Who fan. Now I’ve turned into a real sci-fi geek. Once you get sucked into that world, it has its own logic and laws, which is why I think people are so passionate about it.”
The magazine also confirms that episode seven of the next series of Doctor Who is titled Amy's Choice. The magazine is on sale now priced £1.10. For pictures of the new Tardis interior, click here. More to come!
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