This week Doctor Who Adventures meets the actress, Karen Gillan, who plays the new Doctor’s companion, Amy Pond. Find out if Karen is a Doctor Who fan, how she got the part and what Amy is like.
“She’s a force of nature and really keeps the Doctor on his toes” - Karen on Amy.
“She gets involved in this big adventure with the Doctor and it becomes very clear that she is an adventurer just like him” - Karen on Amy meeting the Doctor.
This week there’s a cool competition to celebrate David Tennant’s time on Doctor Who. You can win tonnes of Tenth Doctor goodies! Prizes include: life-size cut-out of David Tennant, books, DVDs, loads of figures, a David Tennant’s t-shirt and a Flight Control Tardis!
All this, and…
· Ten free gifts - stationary, stickers and magnets
· Find out how well you know the Ood in this week’s quiz
· Three fantastic posters!
· Subscription offer - subscribe today and save over 40%
Issue 158 of Doctor Who Adventures magazine is on sale now at all good newsagents until 24th March priced £2.10 per copy. In other news: A full Doctor Who series five press pack has been released by the BBC Press Office, you can read it here.
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