Hello there!
This week we uncover secrets about the Doctor’s past and look at his people, the Time Lords. They are an ancient and powerful - but it’s easy to see why the Doctor decided to run away from them all those years go.
We’ve got a photo story about the recent regeneration and we look at 10 of the best Dalek defeats so far! - All this, plus news, a cool comic strip, posters and the chance to win a box set of Who DVDs!
We’ve also got a set of seven Time Squad figures from Character Options to give away to one reader who can find this picture of an Ood somewhere in the issue. For your chance to win, just tell us which page he’s hiding on. Good luck! Ha ha!
This weeks issue comes with this great Tardis money box which we couldn’t resist putting together…
Also in this issue…
- What happened to the Tardis - new look for the new Doctor!
- Ask Matt a question - what would you like to know?
- Martha and mickey - where are they now?
- Cool posters.
- Time Lord Secrets.
- And much, more.
Issue 151 of Doctor Who Adventures magazine is on sale now at all good newsagents until 5th February priced £2.10 per copy.
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