Cover and info on this week's edition of Doctor Who Adventures magazine:
With this week's issue of Doctor Who Adventures, you'll get an amazing Weeping Angels stationery set PLUS another cool mystery gift! Your favourite monster mag is bursting with exciting stuff.
Take a look at the huge group of creatures who tried to trap the Doctor in the Pandorica (can you remember them all?), find out who won our meanest villain award, pull out four amazing posters, relive the moment that the Doctor realised he and his friends were surrounded by Weeping Angels, check out a brand-new Who adventure in our comic and make your very own Smiler - they're easy to do and very creepy!
Issue 178 of Doctor Who Adventures magazine is on sale now at all good newsagents unitl 12th August priced £2.10 per copy.

BBC Books have released the cover and synopsis on an upcoming Doctor Who book:
Who is the Eleventh Doctor? How did he get the part? And what’s it like stepping into some of the biggest shoes on television?
Find out all about Matt Smith’s first year as the Doctor, with exclusive interviews about life in the TARDIS, his adventures, co-stars and behind the scenes, as well as all the essential facts about Matt himself! Packed with gorgeous pictures and fascinating facts, as well as a pull-out poster of Matt for your bedroom wall!
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor: Matt Smith is on sale from 7th October at all good book stores priced £6.99 per copy.

Character Options have added the new blue Strategist Dalek figure to the latest Doctor Who series five action figure assortment. The Strategist Dalek figure will be released later this month at all good toy retailers priced £8.99. The figure is also currently available as a remote controlled figure and is priced £14.99.

The first issue of a new Torchwoood comic series is set to go on sale at Forbidden Planet stores in America on 10th August. Read below for more details:
The hit BBC TV series hits the world of comics!
Tommy Lee Edwards and John Barrowman team up for Titan’s new Torchwood comic!
Acclaimed artist Tommy Lee Edwards, currently working with outspoken TV personality Jonathan Ross on the hit comic series Turf, has teamed up with John Barrowman (Torchwood’s Captain Jack) and his sister and frequent coworker Carole E. Barrowman, to produce Captain Jack and the Selkie.
Captain Jack and the Selkie is one of two original Torchwood stories in issue #1 and sees Jack facing a deadly threat on a remote Scottish island, where people are disappearing one by one. To his horror, Jack starts to suspect he may know who, or rather what, is responsible.
Barrowman is overjoyed to have worked with Edwards, who he describes as one of his favorite artists. The pair began their collaboration when Barrowman and his sister Carole came across a poster of Captain Jack at the 2008 San Diego Comic Con.
“Tommy and Trevor had drawn a brilliant poster of my face super-imposed over the Face of Boe, which I think is the best piece of Captain Jack art I’ve seen,” said Barrowman.
“The four of us hit it off immediately and I asked if they’d ever be interested in working with us on a Captain Jack project. They thought about it for, oh, about 30 seconds, and so Captain Jack and the Selkie was born!”
The second story is part one of a special five-part story written by Torchwood TV script editor Gary Russell. Entitled Broken, the story sees Captain Jack, Gwen and Ian to get trapped in a cosmic hotel, while an old villain from the TV series returns.
Artwork for Broken is provided by Adrian Salmon, whose work includes the Cybermen for Doctor Who Magazine and Judge Karyn for the Judge Dredd Megazine.
Two collectible covers will be available for each issue - an art cover and a picture cover. British comic book artist Ian Churchill, whose work includes Superman for DC Comics and Avengers, Deadpool, and X-Men for Marvel, has drawn the art cover for issue #1. An alternate cover, also drawn by Churchill, will be available exclusively at this year’s San Diego Comic Con.
You can pre-order an exclusive edition of the first comic here from Forbidden Planet if you live outside the USA for £2.65 per copy. A trailer for the comic has also been released and you can view it here on YouTube. In other news: The title for the next Torchwood series (which is made up of ten hour-long episodes) is rumoured to be (highlight the following gap if you like spoilers) The New World. Rumours also suggest that it will air next Summer. Filming for the series starts January 2011. More to come!
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