John Simm is back, as the Master, fellow Time Lord and the Doctor’s arch nemesis for nearly four decades. But Russel T Davies wasn’t daunted by the inconvenience of having killed off the Master in 2007 - this is sci-fi, after all: “It’s personal for the Doctor. The Master is his enemy, his opposite, and yet so tantalisingly close to being his soul mate. There’s something epic about their sheer existence - the last two survivors of an ancient race. It’s a clash of the titans. Both of them heading for death, and yet both determined to survive - at any cost!”
The magazine is on sale now at all good newsagents priced £1.10 per copy. In other news: the titles for the Doctor Who Confidential episodes going behind the scenes on both parts of The End of Time have been confirmed as Lords and Masters and Allons-y!.