Contains Series 1, Series 2, Children of Earth
and Miracle Day:
Torchwood follows the adventures of a team of investigators, led by the enigmatic Captain Jack Harkness. Set in the UK in the present day, the team use scavenged alien technology in a very real world to solve crime; both alien and human. Separate from the government. Outside the police. Beyond the United Nations. Everyone who works for Torchwood is young, under 35. Some say that's because it's a new science. Others say it's because they die young...
Torchwood follows the adventures of a team of investigators, led by the enigmatic Captain Jack Harkness. Set in the UK in the present day, the team use scavenged alien technology in a very real world to solve crime; both alien and human. Separate from the government. Outside the police. Beyond the United Nations. Everyone who works for Torchwood is young, under 35. Some say that's because it's a new science. Others say it's because they die young...
As well as all four series, the set also contains all the extras included from each series' individual release. The Torchwood: Series 1-4 boxset is on sale from 14th November from all good DVD stores priced £44.99 on DVD format and £49.69 on Blu-Ray format.
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